Labrador Retrievers
since 2010
Breeding for Temperment, Type and Working Ability
Kloofzight labs participates in Conformation, Obedience and Hunt Training
Pet Transport & Pet Moving

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Gerhard & Mercia Van Tonder
Kloofzight Labradors breeds beautiful, healthy and well socialised chocolate, yellow and black Labrador dogs that are home-raised from fully health-tested parents. All litters are well socialized to give them the best start in life during the first crucial weeks of development.
Our dogs have gone to homes as pets, as therapy dogs, to work to the gun and to show in the ring. We breed dogs that are fit, healthy and have an excellent temperament. Our dogs give years of pleasure and companionship whatever their eventual roles in life.
Our dogs are in homes all over the country. We are very proud of them and we know that their owners are too.
Support for owners is lifelong. You will be provided with full information and support whilst you are considering whether a Kloofzight Labrador is the right choice for you as well as during and after your purchase.
We breed for health and temperament not superficial appearance.
Prevailing health problems such as hip and elbow dysplasia continue to be endemic. Responsible breeders are heath testing, DNA testing and breeding carefully in an attempt to bring the breed back to the standards of health. Breeding a good dog, regardless of the show ring should be the aim of all good breeders
Kloofzight Labradors provide the healthiest dogs that we possibly can. Extremely careful selection of mates, thorough health testing and proper rearing during the vital early weeks has been proven to produce dogs that are sound in health and mind and fit for whatever purpose for which they are destined.
Check our NEWS page for the latest information about our dogs and the availability of puppies.
New Arrivals
We Currently Have a BLACK Litter Available.
To Be Placed On Our Waiting List, Please Complete The Online Form On Our Puppy Page.
Dog Breeding Services
Mating Assistance
At Kloofzight, we understand that you might prefer to breed your dog naturally rather than through artificial insemination. However, achieving a successful natural pregnancy can prove difficult. This is often because the bitch is either unready or stressed, which can lead to disappointment, unnecessary cost and avoidable anxiety for the dog.
We specialise in providing first-class mating assistance that delivers a high success rate. Our many years of experience mean we know how to get dogs to mate efficiently. We have the skills and knowledge to relax your bitch and minimise any stress for her and your chosen stud dog. We take our time with the process, making sure the dogs are given time to get to know each another and aren’t unduly rushed.
Breeding Your Dog For The First Time
If you are breeding your dog for the first time, Kloofzight are experienced at dealing with all types of breeds and temperaments. We can help to breed your dog, whether it’s timid or aggressive. We deliver our mating assistance services at our Magaliesburg premises.
Breed Your Dog Safely and Successfully
We will also undertake a full health check of your dog to ensure she is 100% fit and there are no underlying health issues that could be a risk to her and any potential puppies. If we suspect there are any hazards, we will recommend that you consult with a veterinarian before continuing with any breeding activities.
The health and wellbeing of your dog is always our number one priority. As part of our advisory service, we’ll recommend the best course of action to ensure a safe, successful and satisfactory outcome. Sometimes bitches will reject a stud dog. In which case, we’ll offer artificial insemination as an effective alternative.
Mating Assistance – Prices
We charge R2500 Per Mating Assistance if this is done at our premises. Please call us for details on pricing.
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Gerhard & Mercia Van Tonder
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(+27) 82 563 2935
(+27) 82 555 8784